This year marks my 32nd year of service with Police. The vast majority of my career has been spent within the Criminal Investigation Branch including 14 years in the UK Police before emigrating to NZ in 2003. I have worked in the field of child abuse investigation as a Detective, a Detective Sergeant, a Detective Senior Sergeant and now as Detective Inspector with overall responsibility for all child protection and adult sexual abuse investigations within the Counties Manukau Police District.
I have been involved in a number of non-accidental injury investigations, including several child homicides. I also have responsibility for the management of all registered Child Sex Offenders (CSO) in the District. I am based at Te Pou Herenga Waka, the Multi-Agency Centre in Manukau, where we are co-located with Oranga Tamariki Clinical Services, Counties Manukau DHB and Counselling Services.